Comics Out This WeekBookmark and Share

Monday, 16 October 2017 - Reported by Marcus
This Wednesday, October 18 sees the release of three new comics from Titan.

Torchwood: The Culling Issue #1 is a brand-new story continuing the Torchwood mythos, written by John Barrowman with Carole Barrowman. This new issue features the debut of the mysterious character, Sladen. Who is she and what connection does she have to Captain Jack?

Also out the sixth part of the Doctor Who 2017 event - THE LOST DIMENSION - which features the Void-corrupted forces of UNIT attacking​ The Doctor, Bill, Nardole and The Doctor's Daughter, Jenny, and Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Year Three #10 - the finale to the epic Vortex Butterflies arc.

Torchwood - The Culling

Writer: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman
Artist: Neil Edwards
The Culling Part 1

Captain Jack and his Torchwood operatives aboard the alien tech-filled ship the Ice Maiden managed to thwart a plot by the alien Navigators to harvest the Earth, abetted by the Vervoids. Now, the team must help the planet recover, and continue to look for answers amidst the wreckage. But there’s something – someone! –emerging from Station Zero, where the final battle took place... something that will change Jack and Gwen’s lives forever!
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Doctor Who Tenth Doctor: Year Three #10

Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artist: Giorgia Sposito

The Vortex Butterfly’s identity has finally been unveiled... but the Doctor is distraught to discover that this entity is none other than his beloved companion, Gabby! Vortex Butterfly Gabby insists that he left her behind, in every possible timeline, and she was forced to build her own world from pieces of space and time. Meanwhile, present Gabby (staying in London with Cindy and Sarah Jane Smith) is experiencing strange things too – her powers have brought her drawings to life!ething – someone! –emerging from Station Zero, where the final battle took place... something that will change Jack and Gwen’s lives forever!
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Doctor Who Twelfth Doctor Year Three #8

Writer: George Mann
Artist: Giorgia Sposito with Marcelo Salaza

The Lost Dimension Part 6 (of 8)

An unknown force is striking from the depths of space, emerging as impossibly-large white holes over civilized planets, absorbing or annihilating everything that lives.

This force has spread throughout all of time, challenging the Doctor in all of his incarnations.

Jenny, the Doctor’s daughter, crash-landed back into the Twelfth Doctor’s life, only to find that the anti-energy she had been fleeing from had already arrived on Earth –corrupting the forces of UNIT and terrorising the Doctor and Bill!
TWELFTH DOCTOR 3 8 - Cover A (Credit: Titan )TWELFTH DOCTOR 3 8 - Cover B (Credit: Titan )TWELFTH DOCTOR 3 8 - Page 1 (Credit: Titan )TWELFTH DOCTOR 3 8 - Page 2 (Credit: Titan )TWELFTH DOCTOR 3 8 - Page 3 (Credit: Titan )

FILTER: - Comics - Tenth Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor

New Comics Out This WeekBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 16 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
This Wednesday Titan offers the chance to catch up with the latest adventures of both the Tenth and the Twelfth Doctor's, as well as the Torchwood Team.
Tenth Doctor Year Three #5

Writer: James Peaty
Artist: Warren Pleece
Colourist: Hi-FI
Cover A: Simon Myers Cover B: Will Brooks Cover C: Wellington Alves Cover D: Iolanda Zanfardino

The Doctor and Gabby stop off in London’s ‘silicon roundabout’, hotbed of tech development… only to find an interdimensional creature is poking holes in the fabric of reality. In order to close the breaches, the Doctor must face down some surprising echoes from his past!
TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Cover A (Credit: Titan / Simon Myers) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Cover B (Credit: Titan / Will Brooks) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Cover C (Credit: Titan / Wellington Alves) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Cover D (Credit: Titan / Iolanda Zanfardino) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Preview 1 (Credit: Titan) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Preview 2 (Credit: Titan) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Preview 3 (Credit: Titan) TENTH_DOCTOR 3.5 Preview 4 (Credit: Titan)

Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3

Writer: George Mann
Artist: Mariano Laclaustra
Cover A: Wellington Alves Cover B: Photo Cover C: Simon Myers Cover D: Mark Wheatley

Brand-new adventures of the twelfth doctor starring Peter Capaldi The astounding year two team of George Mann, Rachael Stott and Mariano Laclaustra returns!
Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Cover A (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Cover B (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Cover C (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Cover D (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Preview 1 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Preview 2 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Preview 3 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth Doctor Year Three #3 _Preview 4 (Credit: Titan)

Torchwood Station Zero #4

Writer: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman
Artist: Neil Edwards
Cover A: Claudia Caranfa Cover B: Photo Cover By Will Brooks Cover C: Brian Williamson

Written by Captain Jack himself - John Barrowman - and Carole Barrowman! Illustrated by Neil Edwards (Doctor Who: Four Doctors).
Torchwood Station Zero #4 Cover A (Credit: Titan / Claudia Caranfa) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Cover B (Credit: Titan / Will Brooks) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Preview 1 (Credit: Titan / Brian Williamson) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Preview 2 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Preview 3 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Preview 4 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood Station Zero #4 Preview 5 (Credit: Titan)

FILTER: - Comics - Tenth Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor

New Audio Torchwood Series from Big FinishBookmark and Share

Sunday, 7 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Torchwood Series 5 (Credit: Big Finish) Big Finish has announced that Torchwood will be back for a brand new series of audio adventures with Torchwood: Aliens Among Us...

The new series, revealed at the DWAS convention The Capitol II, will follow the events of Miracle Day, and will see the Torchwood team reunited. Captain Jack, Gwen and Rhys will be joined by new characters co-created and overseen by series creator Russell T Davies.

In this series, Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper have restarted Torchwood in Cardiff, home of the original Torchwood Three. But it's in a very different Cardiff. Something terrible's happened to the city. With every day getting darker, will Torchwood need to adopt a whole new approach?

Producer of Torchwood Season 5, James Goss, talked about the new Torchwood team and Russell T Davies’ involvement.
Russell's been wonderfully involved in the continuation of Torchwood. We came up with some characters and ideas and he very kindly, very politely said 'Marvellous, but no. Howabout...?'. And that's what lead to Jack and Gwen being joined by Mr Colchester (Paul Clayton), Ng (Alexandria Riley), Tyler (Jonny Green) and the enigmatic Orr (Sam Béart). Who are they? What part do they have to play in the future of Torchwood? And can they save Cardiff from an invasion that's already been lost?

This is an ambitious series for Big Finish - an entire season of Torchwood! There are some great scripts by some new writers, but there are also some familiar old faces - of course Rhys and Andy are in it, but there'll be a few other surprises, including an appearance by someone who just has to be, has to be dead...
This new series of Torchwood will be released in three boxsets, the first being out in August. Torchwood Series 5.2 will follow in October and 5.3 will complete the season in the new year.

FILTER: - Big Finish - Torchwood

Knock Knock - Press ReactionBookmark and Share

Sunday, 7 May 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Knock Knock: Shireen (Mandeep Dhillon), Paul (Ben Presley), The Landlord (David Suchet), Bill (Pearl Mackie), Harry (Colin Ryan) (Credit: BBC/BBC Worldwide (screen grab))Press reaction to this week's Doctor Who episode Knock Knock is mixed. While many reviewers disagree about the strength of the writing, most are agreed on the quality of the performances in the story.

The Telegraph thought the acting plaudits belonged to the main guest star. "David Suchet playing the Landlord was brilliant casting. Just menacing enough as he mysteriously appeared without warning, smiling evilly in corners. Grey-haired and brown-suited, Suchet even looked ghostly. Never before has a tuning fork seemed so sinister."

Radio Times relished the creepy nature of the episode, but was disappointed by the ending. "For the first 35 minutes or so of Knock Knock I’m enthralled. Unfortunately, it showed signs of collapsing like a soufflé during the denouement...... I’d have been far happier with an unhappy ending. And yet I’m dismayed that, as the house crumbles, Bill loses all her knick-knacks, including the treasured photos of her mum that the Doctor sourced for her only weeks ago.

Den of Geek takes the opposite view, preferring the last third of the story. "Appreciating that some aren’t happy when Doctor Who goes emotional in its story wrap-ups, the fact that David Suchet’s mysterious landlord is actually the son of the woman we assumed to be his daughter is a very well earned, impactful piece of storytelling. I like that it works as a twist, but mostly, that it works because it adds real tenderness to the story."

The Mirror felt the episode to be the weekest of the season so far, feeling the character of The landlord was confusing. "Rather than allowing the bad guy of the week to be wonderfully creepy, he gets a 180 in the last few minutes to try and make us sympathise with him. But again, you can’t go killer madman to poor boy trying to save his mother in 3 minutes flat. Frankly, if you bag an actor of such calibre you can't waste him on a character that chops and changes."

Games Radar felt the writing was disapointing after last week's triumph. "The flat story is elevated slightly by David Suchet’s masterful acting, and Bill coming out as bluntly as possible does provide an air-punch moment. But even those stand-outs can’t redeem the overall limp writing. "

Flickering Myth disagreed. "When Doctor Who aims to frighten you, it really knows where those dark corners are in your mind, where you keep those little things you don’t like in your own cozy home, and brings them into light for everyone to see and to watch you leap two foot off your sofa. In this latest episode of Series 10, written by Mike Bartlett, you’re seriously going to be considering screwing down that creaking floorboard outside your bathroom by the end of it."

Carter Matt also enjoyed the story. "What was so fascinating about this story was that the more we saw of it, the more apparent that it became that this was not a story about good and evil; it was a story in some ways about a sacrifice, and what a father was able to do for his daughter. "

AV Club appreciated the style of the story. "Rarely does Doctor Who embrace another genre as completely as the first 30 minutes of “Knock Knock” does. For the first two thirds of its running time, tonight’s episode is a horror movie, with all the customary trappings. There’s the spooky haunted house with the still spookier landlord. There’s a bunch of thinly sketched young people who are all possibly idiots. There are loud noises and eerie music and windows and doors shutting all by themselves. If anything, it’s all a bit old-fashioned, in the best possible way."

Ars Technica praised the effects in the episode. "The storyline is a bit horror-by-numbers as one by one Bill's pals are bumped off by the alien woodlice. The on-screen effect is pretty grim, if thoroughly gripping, and reminds me of the carnivorous scarabs in The Mummy."

Digital Spy also felt the effects were well realised. "The episode is admirably daring when it comes to its scares, throwing up some genuinely disturbing visuals, particularly the sight of a pained Pavel (Bart Suavek) half-eaten by the house, and of a screaming Harry (Colin Ryan) being eaten alive by the Dryads."

Screen Rant looked at the themes behind the current series. "Weighing the life of one against the lives of many has been a recurring theme during Capaldi’s tenure as the Doctor, and with ‘Knock Knock’ the series places the Time Lord in a more intimate situation, almost like it’s a test to see what he’ll do when faced with a group of twentysomethings trapped in what appears to be a haunted house"

Nerdist also picked up the horror in the story. "One of the show’s main goals since the beginning was to scare people senseless. Monstrous aliens are part and parcel of the show’s success, and that often sends people “behind the sofa.” This week’s “Knock Knock” fits right in that genre…for good and ill."

IGN returned to the relationship between The Doctor and his new companion. "I enjoyed “Knock Knock” from the get-go, particularly -- as usual -- due to the Doctor’s interactions with Bill, as we see her here slightly embarrassed by the weird old fella around her new friends. This is her granddad helping her move, she insists, but no, he says, he’s her dad. Can’t we at least say I’m the dad?"

Link to Doctor Who News Review

FILTER: - Big Finish - Torchwood

Twelfth Doctor Comic - Year ThreeBookmark and Share

Thursday, 13 April 2017 - Reported by Marcus
The Twelfth Doctor begins his third year in comic form this week.

The Year Two team of George Mann, Rachael Stott and Mariano Laclaustra return. The Doctor is ready for a brand new set of adventures in time and space. This is an accessible jumping on point for new readers, Year Three will be available monthly.

Alongside these series' debut issue, this week sees the release of some more Eleventh Doctor in the second part of Alex Paknadel / Simon Fraser​'​s two-parter "THE TRAGICAL HISTORY TOUR" as well as new Torchwood


Writer: George Mann
Artist: Mariano Laclaustra
Cover A: Josh Burns Cover B: Photo variant Cover C: Rachael Smith Cover D: Mariano Laclaustra Cover E: Antonio Fuso Cover F: Pasquale Qualano

The astounding Year Two team of George Mann, Rachael Stott and Mariano Laclaustra returns!

The Doctor is ready for a BRAND NEW set of thrilling adventures in time and space...

A super-accessible jumping on point for new readers, Year Three will now ship monthly.
Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_A (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_B (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_C (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_D (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_E (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Cover_F (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Page_1 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Page_2 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Page_3 (Credit: Titan) Twelfth_Doctor_3_1_Page_4 (Credit: Titan)


Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Simon Fraser
COVER A - REGULAR By Wellington Diaz COVER B - PHOTO By Will Brooks COVER C - By Rachael Smith COVER D - By Arianna Florean

The adventures of the Eleventh Doctor continue!
Eleventh_Doctor_3_4_Cover_A (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4_Cover_B (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4_Cover_C (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4_Cover_D (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4 Page 1 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4 Page 2 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4 Page 3 (Credit: Titan) Eleventh_Doctor_3_4 Page 4 (Credit: Titan)


Writer: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman
Artist: Neil Edwards

The team have uncovered a plot by the alien Navigators to harvest the Earth for their own purposes. Captain John Hart and Lady Karina sought the astrolabe, so Karina could give it to the Navigators, but the pair were captured by Torchwood. However, the Navigators have begun their plan to ‘compost’ Earth, causing dormant volcanoes around the planet to erupt...
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FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor

Radio TimesBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 12 April 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Radio Times (15 - 21 Apr 2017) (Credit: Radio Times)The latest edition of the Radio Times celebrates the return of Doctor Who on television this weekend with a front cover featuring Peter Capaldi and new companion Pearl Mackie.

Inside the magazine, Pearl explained how she went up for a part in "Mean Town":
It transpired it was an anagram for Woman Ten, the companion in the tenth series, because if agents had known it was a Doctor Who casting, they'd have put every client up for it. Just walking through the foyer (of the Soho Hotel) was nerve-racking, I rocked up in my Afro and bright yellow trainers and a baggy T-shirt, into this big glossy octagon foyer and they told me to wait in a room till they were ready for me - I almost ran away.
Capaldi was happy to reassure her, however:
I think you looked very cool there. You didn't seem fazed, you seemed to have a life beyond the scene. It was like Bill ha existed rather than saying lines for an audition.

The full interview can be read in the magazine, which also includes a brief synopsis of each episode this series by Steven Moffat - who also confirms that the episodes of his two-part finale will be called "World Enough And Time" and "The Doctor Falls".

The Radio Times is out now in the United Kingdom

FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor

Titan Comics UpdateBookmark and Share

Saturday, 4 March 2017 - Reported by Marcus
Next week, sees the publication of the latest graphic novel to arrive in book stores -Titan's Summer extravaganza celebrating 50 years of the deadly Cybermen, Supremacy of the Cybermen in a hardcover edition. This collection also includes the back up strips that ran in single issues leading up to the event - which show the Doctor's regenerations (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and The War Doctor) encounters with the Cybermen.

Also in stores are Torchwood's new issue of Station Zero - what exactly is the mystery of Torchwood House?

And then, on March 15 - the Tenth Doctor's Year Three continues with Issue #3 and the start of a new arc. Also released the latest in the graphic novel collections with The Twelfth Doctor's fourth trade paperback - The School of Death hitting bookstores.

Out 8 March 2017


Writer: George Mann; Cavan Scott
Artist: Alessandro Vitti

For the Cybermen's 50th Anniversary... YOU WILL BE DELETED! This incredible one-off event brings multiple Doctors battling through time to fight the unstoppable Cybermen!

Exiled from Gallifrey at the very end of Time, Rassilon, fallen leader of the Time Lords, has been captured by the last of the Cybermen. Now the Cybermen have access to time travel. With it, every defeat is now a victory. Every foe is now dead -- or Cyberised.

The Legions march across time and space, leaving devastation and converted civilisations in their wake, their numbers growing with every world that falls. Evolving. Upgrading. Reconfiguring. All seems lost. Forever.

Can the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors - each battling the Cybermen alone, on a different temporal front - undo the damage that has been wrought on the universe, before they are converted themselves? Or is this how the universe dies? Not in fire, but in cold, unfeeling metal...


Writer: John Barrowman, Carole Barrowman
Artist: Neil Edwards
Cover A: Claudia Caranfa Cover B: Photo Cover C: Brian Williamson Cover D: Simon Myers

Jack, Gwen and the crew of the Ice Maiden must stop the threat that started in the Skagerrak Strait, before disaster ensues. And what is Rona’s secret? Meanwhile, the mystery of Lady Karina and Torchwood House continues!
Torchwood_2_2_Cover_A (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Cover_B (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Cover_C (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Cover_D (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Page_1 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Page_2 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Page_3 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Page_4 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood_2_2_Page_5 (Credit: Titan)

Out 15 March 2017


Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artist: Giorgia Sposito, Arianna Florean
Cover A: Iolanda Zanfardino Cover B: Photo Cover C: Papercraft Variant Cover D: Arianna Florean

From award-winning writer Nick Abadzis (laika, pigs might fly)! New adventures of the Tenth Doctor, as played by David Tennant
TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Cover A (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Cover B (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Cover C (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Cover D (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Page 1 (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Page 2 (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Page 3 (Credit: Titan) TENTH DOCTOR #3.3 Page 14 (Credit: Titan)


Writer: Robbie Morrison
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colourist: Ivan Nunes
Cover: Alice X. Zhang

There's something fishy going on at the remote Scottish school of Ravenscaur... Something that has bedevilled students and teachers alike... something that has lurked in the caverns beneath the school for millennia! Only the Doctor and Clara can unravel a deadly conspiracy that reaches as high as the Prime Minister of England!

Latest Releases: Magazines - Books

FILTER: - Comics - Eleventh Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Tenth Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor

New Comics out Next WeekBookmark and Share

Friday, 16 December 2016 - Reported by Marcus
Next Wednesday sees the release of Titan's comic featuring the Ninth Doctor as well as the latest in the Torchwood series by John and Carole Barrowman.

The previously announced Eleventh Doctor #2.15 has been delayed and will also be published next week.
Ninth Doctor #8

Writer: Cavan Scott
Artist: Cris Bolson
Colourist: Colourist
A: Pasquale Qualano & Marcio Menys - B: Will Brooks Photo- C: Question No. 6

UNIT agent Tara Mishra is on the verge of whistleblowing the existence of aliens to the British public, after rampaging daikaiju have been spotted in the English Channel! Can the Doctor, Rose, and Jack prevent her from changing the course of the 20th century by revealing the truth... and do they even want to? Plus! A new companion aboard the TARDIS -- and a new thread in the unravelling weave of Jack's missing memories!
Ninth Doctor #8 Cover_A_Pasquale_Qualano (Credit: Titan) Ninth Doctor #8 Cover_B_Will_Brooks (Credit: Titan) Ninth Doctor #8 Cover_C_Question_No_6 (Credit: Titan) Ninth Doctor #8 Preview_1 (Credit: Titan) Ninth Doctor #8 Preview_2 (Credit: Titan) Ninth Doctor #8 Preview_3 (Credit: Titan)

Torchwood #4

Writer: Carole E. Barrowman, John Barrowman
Artist: Antonio Fuso
Cover A: Kelly Yates Cover B: Will Brooks Photo Cover C: Pasquale Qualano & Marcio Menys

The Navigators need Jack’s help to battle an alien threat from his past – but he’s an ocean away and several bullet holes from being able to help them out! Gwen finds herself torn between two worlds, as Jack’s quest threatens everything she holds dear – including the very core of Torchwood itself! And the Committee want the Ice Maiden and its crew – and its advanced, alien technology – for their own purposes, and they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way! The first arc of the ongoing Torchwood saga ends – but what a cliffhanger! We’re back with more shocks and surprises – and the full creative team – for #5!
Torchwood #4 Cover_A_Kelly_Yates (Credit: Titan) Torchwood #4 Cover_B_Will_Brooks (Credit: Titan) Torchwood #4 Cover_C_Pasquale_Qulano_Marcio_Menys (Credit: Titan) Torchwood #4 Preview_1 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood #4 Preview_2 (Credit: Titan) Torchwood #4 Preview_3 (Credit: Titan)

All comics are released on Wednesday 21st December.

FILTER: - Comics - Ninth Doctor - Torchwood

Doctor Who Magazine - 505Bookmark and Share

Friday, 21 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE 505 (Credit: Panini)This month's Doctor Who Magazine celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Doctor Who's first ongoing spin-off series, when John Barrowman talks Torchwood...

Following Barrowman's comment at this year's San Diego Comic-Con that he was “working very hard” to return Torchwood to our TV screens", DWM asks he what that was all about...
Every production company I go into, I’m not kidding, they say, Is there any way we could get Torchwood back up and running?. I’ve heard this so many times that I thought, I’m going to find out if we can do it.

I started planting seeds, dropping a few hints, and it did exactly what I wanted it to: it blew up and everyone was like, Oh my God, Barrowman wants to bring back Torchwood! Which, I’ve got to be honest with you, I really do. Because I travel around the world, I go to all these conventions, I see all these people – and I speak to all these production companies – who are desperate for it to come back.
  • Showrunner Steven Moffat answers readers' questions, and reveals that the Doctor's favourite alcoholic drink is lemonade.
  • A first look at the brand-new animation of the lost Second Doctor classic adventure The Power of the Daleks.
  • DWM asks writer Patrick Ness to reveal what he's got in store for us in new Doctor Who spin-off, Class.
  • DWM celebrates a century of Doctor Who directors by tracking down four of the class of 2015 and interrogating them – in Part One of this in-depth feature.
  • Part One of a brand new comic strip adventure, written by Mark Wright and illustrated by Staz Johnson.
  • The Time Team stock up on pizza, booze and telly for this month's episode, The Lodger.
  • The TARDIS lands on a planet which offers ‘a golden age of peace and prosperity’... But this apparent utopia comes at a terrible price, as this issue's Fact of Fiction features 1966's The Savages.
  • Previews of all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases.
PLUS! All the latest official news, reviews, competitions, and The DWM Crossword.

Doctor Who Magazine 505 is on sale now, price £5.99.

FILTER: - Class - DWM - Torchwood

New Titan Comics Out This WeekBookmark and Share

Monday, 17 October 2016 - Reported by Marcus
This week sees Titan Comics release a trio of Doctor Who comics featuring the Third, Tenth and Twelfth Doctors, as well as the latest in the Summer special Supremacy of the Cybermen and the second in the new Torchwood series.

All comics are published on Wednesday 19th October.


Writer: Paul Cornell
Artist: Christopher Jones
Cover A: Claudia Ianniciello, Cover B: PHOTO, Cover C: JAKe, Cover D: Arianna Florean

The Doctor and Jo Grant are left reeling by the revelations at the end of the first issue, and they still have a mysterious extraterrestrial object to analyse and defeat! Does the real danger come from the Doctor's latest team-up? Of course -- but in ways he'll never see coming...!
Doctor Who: Third Doctor #2 (Titan)Doctor Who: Third Doctor #2 (Titan)Doctor Who: Third Doctor #2 (Titan)Doctor Who: Third Doctor #2 (Titan)Doctor Who: Third Doctor #2 (Titan)


Writer: Nick Abadzis
Artist: Giorgia Sposito
Cover A: Wheatley, Cover B: Photo, Cover C: JAKE

The tension mounts in the penultimate episode of the Tenth Doctor's second year! Has Anubis fallen to the darkness in his family tree? Can Gabby and Cindy staunch the corruption in an entity powerful enough to snuff them out with a thought? If you think you know where this year's finale is going... Think again!
Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)Doctor Who: TENTH DOCTOR #2.15 (Titan)


Writer: George Mann
Artist: Rachael Stott
Cover A: Laclaustra, Cover B: Photo, Cover C: Collins, Cover D: Pleece

Trapped in a dying, mysterious maze of a house, the Twelfth Doctor and his latest traveling companion face a world where the laws of physics have broken down. As the Doctor fights to save a family cashing in on an ancient promise, the secrets of the house battle to overwhelm him!
Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)Doctor Who: TWELFTH DOCTOR #2.10 (Titan)


Writer: George Mann, Cavan Scott
Artist: Ivan Rodriguez, Walter Geovani
Cover A: Vitti, Cover B: Photo, Cover C: Listran

The penultimate chapter of the Doctor Who event of 2016! Things get worse for the Doctor - across four separate time zones! The ninth Doctor gets too close to the enemy. The tenth Doctor's companions offer a terrifying sacrifice. The eleventh Doctor digs deep and gives back with interest, and the twelfth Doctor is faced with the most momentous choice of his life!

Torchwood #2

Writers: John Barrowman, Carol Barrowman
Artist: Antonio Fuso
Cover A: Blair Shedd Cover B: Will Brooks Photo Cover C: Simon Myers

Far away from Cardiff and the Hub, Captain Jack and Gwen dive deep to unravel the secrets of an ancient, extinct civilisation, whose colossal megaweapons are being primed to affect the Earth. Caught between human agencies, infiltrating aliens, a unknowing public and an uncertain future, can a Torchwood stripped of its resources and staff still save the day?!
Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)Torchwood #2   (Titan)

FILTER: - Tenth Doctor - Third Doctor - Torchwood - Twelfth Doctor